Looking after yourself and your loved ones

Has never been so easy

For less than 10p per day send a message a day packed to bursting with juicy hints, tips, recipes, great nutritional ideas and hacks...

For only £36.50 Grab yours or gift it now!

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Amazing benefit 1

Bite-sized messages by email every day of easy-to-implement healthy changes to improve your lifestyle and health.

Amazing benefit 2

Specialist nutritionists and dietitians throw down easy-to-adapt nutritional hacks and healthy nuggets, giving you their years of experience and knowledge.

Amazing benefit 3

Being able to integrate a handful of these gold dust tips will add a positive mental and health benefit to your whole life.

Making healthy choices is an easy thing to do when it is delivered to you in an email every single day for a whole year.

Learn how to manage internal stress, address gut imbalances, beat food cravings, create positive meal ideas, remove or reduce sugar intake, and learn how this can be achieved on a budget, with a family and little time!



Having worked her way successfully through a cancer diagnosis, Deborah Fielding set about overhauling her whole life. From her mental wellness to her lifestyle, her relationships to her nutrition.

It was while lying in a hospital with no energy for a week, unable to fend for herself during treatment, that she went about dissecting her nutrition to give her body the best chance she could.

Deborah felt compelled to inspire others who wanted to take better care of themselves, regardless of their health. Keeping yourself in a great space with your nutrition is key to a long, healthy life, after all. So, working with dietitians and nutritionists, 365 Days of Nutrition was born at less than 10p per day to improve your health!

Your body will serve you – if you serve your body.

Preview some of my messages


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A few simple steps and your gift will be on its way with love.

1. Complete the form

Complete the form on this page with YOUR contact details and make the one-time payment

2. Pay £36.50

One-time Payment

3. Enter your loved one's details

Enter the details of the person you care for who you would like to receive the messages (this could be you).

4. Receive the gift

The first message will arrive straight away. Check junk mail if you don't receive something within the first five minutes.

simply fill in your details below

An amazing way of changing the way I eat

As the messages are in an easily absorbed format, it doesn’t feel like you’ve made any changes until you come to look at the food diary I made at the beginning!

365 Days of Nutrition, has been an amazing way of changing the way I eat and how I think about food! All in easy bite-size segments. I’m now on the road to a healthier and fitter me.

Definitely altered the contents of my shopping

365 Days of Nutrition has definitely altered the contents of my shopping trolley, and I look forward to the new information I receive every day; keeping me eating well and looking after my diet



It’s a Dastardly Deed
April 1, 2024

It’s a dastardly deed. Telling your children about a cancer diagnosis. There is simply no

Dieting vs 365 Days of Nutrition
Dieting vs 365 Days of Nutrition 
January 17, 2024

Heads up! 365 Days of Nutrition is NOT a diet. It isn’t intended to be